If you are interested in using our materials, please see the appropriate section below which outlines our usage and permission guidelines and agreements.
Important: Please note that all interviews in the "Original Oral History Category" require special permission to use for both commercial and non-commercial use, as they are the basis of one of our co-founders doctoral dissertation which this archive emerged from. Approval for these interviews is not based only on the participants' consent, but also upon your intended use, the scope of your project/usage and the number of interviews requested. We encourage you to submit your requests and contact us with any questions.
Ro(u)ted by Our Stories (RbOS) welcomes non-commercial use and access that qualifies as fair use to all unrestricted interview materials in the collection. We request that anyone requesting non-commercial use (the Researcher) informs RbOS as to how and where they are using the material using this web form.
For any and all non-commercial use, you must cite and give proper credit to RbOS. Our preferred citation format is as follows:
- Format: Oral History [###]: [Name] ( [Pronouns] ), published by the digital archive, Routed By Our Stories: Silenced Indo-Caribbean Voices Speak.
- Example: Oral History 001: Anonymous (she/her), published by the digital archive, Routed By Our Stories: Silenced Indo-Caribbean Voices Speak.
For commercial use, including quotation, publication, broadcast in any medium, distribution, derivative works, public performance, and public display that goes beyond fair use, in any medium, the researcher must obtain written permission from our archive, Ro(u)ted by Our Stories (RbOS). Please contact us through this form with the details of how and where you plan to use the interview. If your request is approved, we will contact you via email with a written confirmation that permission has been granted for a Single Use License. RbOS reserves the right to refuse the right for commercial use. Permissions are dependent upon and comply with any agreements RbOS has made with the interviewees, interviewers, and donors of materials (Participants). Copyright is retained by the Participants and their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
All permissions granted by our archive, Ro(u)ted By Our Stories, are for a Single Use License. By completing and submitting the form, you agree to the terms and conditions of our Single Use License as outlined below.
Single Use License Agreement
The Single Use License enters you, the User, into an agreement with Ro(u)ted By Our Stories (RbOS) to make use of the oral history interview audio (Recording), which is an ongoing, non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide license on the following terms:
- Permission is granted only for a Single Use License to create one single End Product which incorporates the Recording as well as other things, so that it is larger in scope and different in nature than the Recording. This End Product must be in accordance with the expressed purpose(s) set forth in the web form submitted to RbOS. Any subsequent or different use, including subsequent End Products and translations of the End Product, constitutes a re-use of the Recording and a new application must be made and approved.
- The license includes the right to utilize the Recording through communication to the public (performance), broadcast, display, publication, distribution, and reproduction. Permission is valid only for the applicant to whom it is specifically issued. Permission may not be transferred, assigned, sold, or otherwise disposed of without the prior written consent of RbOS.
- The user must cite and give proper credit to RbOS (see preferred citation above). You cannot claim trademark or service mark rights over the Recording within the End Product.
We support the Oral History Association’s (OHA) Principles for Oral History and Best Practices for Oral History.
Takedown Policy
We have tried to make sure that we have secured all necessary rights for each item. If you believe that we have made a mistake, please contact us so that we can correct it.
Online access to Ro(u)ted by Our Stories’s oral history collection is made possible through support from Jahajee Sisters and the Graduate Center, City University of New York.